Movies under the stars since 1949
Raleigh Road Outdoor Theatre is oldest of 6 drive in theatres left in operation in North Carolina. Visit for listings of other theatres in North Carolina and the United States.
Originally built in 1949, the Moon-Glo Outdoor Theatre showed it's first movie, Ali-Baba and the Forty Thieves on June 15 under the ownership of the Lyles family. Although the outdoor theatre has changed ownership throughout it's 70+ years, it has remained in continuous operation. During an ownership change in 1980's, the name also changed to the now known Raleigh Road Outdoor Theatre. Current owners, Mark and Jennifer Frank, purchased the theatre in December 2011 from Jim and Megan Kopp. And just like previous owners, the Frank's are dedicated to providing quality family entertainment for a great value.
Please take a look around our website for more information about the theatre.